81 SA Flyer Magazine
satellite is not subjected to the vagaries
of weather and corrosion. Furthermore,
satellites are not subject to tampering
or theft, a problem with ground-based
beacons in South Africa.
Perhaps the biggest appeal for satellite
designers is that the systems can be
powered entirely by solar energy, with little
or no need for batteries or other energy
storage. The sun shines all day in space,
with very short periods (if any) during which
the solar panels are eclipsed by the Earth’s
shadow, and solar photovoltaic panels
have a service life of over 25 years. Since
the sky is in line-of-sight with the ground,
global coverage is possible with a small
constellation of satellites utilising very low-
power radio transmitters.
The acronym ‘PBN’ gives rise to many
other complicated acronyms. The most
important of these are RNAV and RNP,
which deal with concepts which are largely
unfamiliar to the average private pilot
who mostly ies VFR, in other words with
reference to visible features on the ground
– no doubt assisted by a hand-held or
in-panel GPS.
RNAV is a rather stilted acronym for
‘area navigation’ or ‘random navigation’.
Also not something new, RNAV was
developed in the 1960s to allow IFR ights
to y direct to their destinations, rather than
zig-zagging from one ground-based beacon
to the next.
Of course, VFR pilots are not reliant
on ground-based beacons and can usually
identify visual waypoints along a direct
route – with a little help from the now
ubiquitous GPS. The IFR pilot does not
have this luxury of visual reference, so the
routes would be deî‚¿ned by NDBs or VORs
on the ground.
Although RNAV that was based on
ground stations was developed and
implemented long ago, the FAA revoked
all RNAV routes in the United States when
it realised that most airlines were using
inertial navigation systems instead of
the ground beacons to y direct to their
destinations. Inertial navigation requires
regular corrections from other navigational
sources and is therefore insufî‚¿cient as a
sole navigational aid. Sufî‚¿cient accuracy
and reliability of navigational data is
essential for safe reliance on instruments,
which brings us to RNP.
RNP stands for ‘required navigation
performance’. This is a cornerstone of
PBN and speciî‚¿es the necessary accuracy
and reliability for the implementation of
many PBN procedures. The prescribed
repeatability of RNP may rely on multiple
navigational aids, including monitoring
by the pilot, and by ATC radar monitoring
and alerting, to achieve the requirements
to y a specic procedure or route within
a 3D airspace. This provides the basis for
precise procedures necessary for today’s
increasingly congested airspaces and for
curved three-dimensional routes through
inhospitable terrain and noise-sensitive
RNP accuracy is generally deî‚¿ned by a
simple number. For example, RNP 10 would
mean that the on-board system would
provide navigation within the conî‚¿nes of 10
square nautical miles with 95% accuracy.
An RNP 0.1 speciî‚¿cation would require
navigational accuracy in a 1/10th nautical
mile (185 metres) square.
Satellite navigation is now the
technology that underpins PBN, and its
accuracy, reliability and redundancy have
made ground-based navaids obsolete.
IAOPA delegates were treated to
a fascinating presentation by Air New
Zealand’s Captain Graham Cheal of how
the RNP 0.15 approach into Queenstown,
New Zealand was developed.
Due to the very rugged terrain, high
mountains and curved valleys on the
approaches to this airport, there were
some very special challenges. Not least
of these is that due to multipath and other
interference with satellite signals caused by
the surrounding mountains, and the lack of
ground-based GPS enhancement systems,
the accuracy of GPS signals can drift by
as much as 100 metres to each side of the
runway. This would necessitate that during
the RNP approach, the pilot would have
to switch from following the ight director
displayed on the head-up display (HUD) to
visually focusing on the runway threshold
for the last portion of the approach.
In practice, during the testing of the
approach, this didn’t work well. The pilots
would inexplicably be unable to visually
remain on the runway centreline, despite
them being adamant that they were not
looking at the HUD.
This resulted in a research effort of
tracking the pilots’ eye movements to
determine why they were having trouble
ying a simple visual approach. The
research discovered that the pilots would
subconsciously remain ‘locked on’ to
the ight director, which was displaying
inaccurate information.
Since Airbus’s procedures didn’t allow
for switching off the ight director, the only
solution was for intensive training, where
the captain would ‘over-learn’ the visual
runway intercept and the î‚¿rst ofî‚¿cer would
be trained separately to monitor the ight
director and be empowered to call a go-
around. Only after that exercise would the
Performance Based Navigation (PBN), especially RNP routes, allows for curved
paths to be flown between waypoints.